Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We Appraised!

We appraised *exhale* and got the news last week.

We also got another bit of news with our Mortgage Commitment.

It appears that we need to sell our existing home BEFORE we can close on the construction loan. *inhale*

It took us a good twenty-four hours to get past the shock and anger, at which point, all we could do was laugh.

House went on the market that night and we've been scrambling to get it ready-to-show.

We also have to start looking for a place to live whilst our home is being built (yes... pack twice, move twice).

The surveyor delivered the Easement Deed and map and now CL&P gets to sit on that for who-knows-how-long before we can start on the driveway.

Supposedly, we should get the last two things we need from the architect today to bring to the Town so that we can get our Building Permit approved.

Our windows have gone on sale (20% off) so we need to go in and pay for those but first we need to go through the plans with a fine-toothed comb because Frank and I have added a few windows and removed a few others.

To boot, the real estate market has picked up substantially in our area so I'm busier than I was three months ago.

Our heads are reeling.

We think it's worth it, but some days we're just not sure.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Appraisal

We met with the bank's appraiser today.

Keeping our fingers crossed!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Walk-in Closets

Everything I've seen to date looks rather cheap. A lot of laminate, veneer, and crappy hardware. I think Frank can build us a better closet with full-extension drawers (I refuse to have dressers in the bedrooms) and of solid hardwoods (cherry or maple).

A few things have to come to mind during this process which I don't understand.

Why do I need a "make-up table" in my closet.

I am out of the closet.

I put my make-up on (mascara and lipstick) in the light of day which I call the bathroom.

Why do we need seating in the closet?

That's right up with there with literature in the bathroom.

Do we not just take care of business and go on our merry way?

Who hangs out in closets and toilet rooms?

We have a 9 x 10 walk-in closet which will give us up to 40 feet of linear space to hang clothes from the 70's, 80's, and 90's. We've got room for the 20-pounds lighter collection, the 10-pounds lighter collection, and the love-me-as-I-am collection.

Well..... I do.

Frank has clothes from way back when and I am working on the purging, but it isn't easy.

Men who say that women are pack rats haven't met us.

Frank saves.

I purge.

The software program we used to design the closet doesn't allow for cut-and-paste, but when it's complete, I will shoot and show.

All of Frank's shirts will be crisply starched and pressed and not touching each other.

To get there, we must PURGE.

A walk-in closet.

Not as easy as it sounds.